morning my grandmother went into the washing room, for hanging cothes on
the lines; every morning she carried me and sat me onto the fridge, which
also stands there, to get the clothes out of the washing machine; every
morning - but one! She just forgot to place me on the fridge before getting
the clothes out of the machine. The tantrum I threw would have been worthy
to be filmed, but she didn't even see the reason! Only when she recalled
the whole scenery, she noticed, that she had forgotten an important part
of our morning-rituale, but I hadn't! |
a hair dryer or hoover were switched on, I cried out. My ears were and are
a little bit more sensitive than those of most people. Always I overheard
things, that have not been said to be heard by me ('she can roll out her
ears about three rooms and more'), although I often missed, that somebody
called me or talked to me directly. Also certain clothing I did not like
to wear. Many years I hated to wear Jeans trousers; they felt so 'cold'.
Rough woollen things are a horribility. I do not bear to wear rough woollen
clothes directly on my skin, there must be a 'normal' shirt underneath.
The same is for fleece pullovers. I was always a bit passive, according
to hugs, i.e. I didn't run away or 'froze', but I hated it. Food is another
field I was difficult in, cause I hated it, to try new dishes (in most cases
I noticed that I didn't like them anyway). A relatively frequent used expression
of my mother was, that you could more easily count the things I would eat,
than those I would not eat. Every kind of cabbage is a terribility. I tried
nearly all of theme, but if I described now, what a feeling, a sensation
it is, to taste cabbage, your own appetite would fade away..... Salads I
don't eat either (only raw lettuce) and rarely and only about two sorts
of soups or sauces. Onmy plate there should be everything nicely sorted
and arranged seperately. Spinaca with egg is an exception: For years I always
ate the yolk of the fried egg first, for then filling the space of the yolk
with spinace!
There are many words who have a special meaning to me, are linked with an
association or trigger a certain sensation. The word 'Aral' (name of a certain
brand of petrol stations) has a similar effect as the taste of cabbage:
A feeling of sickness! My pets I often named with names, who give a special
sensation to me, either by hearing the word or saying the word or both,
as in 'Saskatchewan' (the country in Canada sounded so great to me), 'Nophretete'
and 'Echnaton'. A few other words I like are: |