Bücher für Kinder mit AS/Autismus

Alphabetisch nach Autoren (Vorname)

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Autor Deutsch Englisch
Andreanna Edwards X
Brenda Smith Myles
(& Elisa Gagnon, Richard L. Simpson, Jack Southwick)
Catherine Faherty X
Gunilla Gerland X
Joan Matthews, James Williams X
Martine; The National Autistic Society Helpline Ives X
Peter Vermeulen X X

"Asperger's: What Does It Mean to Me?"
"I Am Special"
"Ich bin besonders"
"Ich bin was Besonders"
"Finding Out about Asperger's Syndrome, High-functioning Autism and PDD"
"Taking Autism to School"
"This is Asperger Syndrome"
" What is Asperger syndrome and how will it affect me?"


Andreanna Edwards

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"Taking Autism to School"
Brenda Smith Myles, Elisa Gagnon

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"This Is Asperger Syndrome"


Experience the world from the perspective of a young child with Asperger Syndrome ...

This is Asperger Syndrome gives the daily experiences of a child with Asperger Syndrome and the difficulties he faces. As a person with autism, I can relate to some of the things he has to deal with.
- Jean-Paul Bovee, M.A., Manager, Missouri Developmental Disabilities Resource Center, and person with autism

This book is a wonderful educational resource that can be used in the classroom. It helps develop an awareness and understanding for children with AS and their peers.
- Molly James, special education teacher

I used This is Asperger Syndrome with my social skills group. I gave each student a page of the book and asked them to read it and note whether or not they thought it described them. They then shared their page and their answer wih the group. Finally, they wrote and drew their own page to depict an aspect of themselves. We will do this through the end of the school year and then put their pages together for their own book. Good response from the kids!
- Kari Dunn, occupational therapist, Minnesota Autism Network, and Autism/Asperger Syndrome consultant for Trinidad

What a good way to help students with AS learn about some of the things they don't understand about themselves. We recommend this book for siblings, peers, parents and grandparents. What a unique way to explain the perspective of the student with Asperger Syndrome.
- Kathy Otto and Phoebe Rinkle, Autism and Asperger Syndrome consultants

ELISA GAGNON, Ms.Ed., is coordinator, Asperger Syndrome Project, University of Kansas Medical Center. BRENDA SMITH MYLES, Ph.D., is associate professor, University of Kansas Medical Center. Other books by Brenda Smith Myles: Making Visual Supports Work in the Home and Community: Strategies for Individuals with Autism and Asperger Syndrome (with Jennifer L. Savner), Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns (with Jack Southwick); Asperger Syndrome - A Guide for Educators and Parents and Educating Children and Youth with Autism (with Richard L. Simson)

Catherine Faherty

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"Asperger's: What Does It Mean to Me?"

Book Description:
A workbook explaining self awareness and life lessons to the youth with high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome. This is the book most requested by parents and teachers. Written by a leading therapist, this book is a must-have for the person with high functioning autism or Asperger's Sydrome. Includes chapters to help explain their world. Special binding allows for easy photcopying for classroom use.

Gunilla Gerland

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"Finding Out about Asperger's Syndrome, High-functioning Autism and PDD"

'Children and teenagers are different. Some have more differences thab others and may have difficulties wuth things such as participating in group activities, or really understanding how other people see things and how they think. Some of these young people want to do things in their own way, and some of them have a particular interest which fills their lives.
'Many of thise who are special in this way have Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism. Gunilla, who is now an adult, recieves her diagnosis several years ago. She has written this book for all children and teenagers who have similar difficulties. It's an important book - in fact, it's the only one of its kind.
'Gunilla's book should be read by all young people who recieve a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, PDD or high funcioning autism. It can also be read by their peers in school, siblings, and other children with whom they may have contact. Adults may read it too, the better to understand the person with autism or Asperger Syndrome.'

- Christopher Gillberg, MD an Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Gunilla Gerland was diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome several years ago. She is the author of the autobiography A Real Person: Life on the Outside and is very active in informing about the condition, throug writing an lecturing all over Europe. She lives in Stockholm where she also works closely with the Swedish National Autism Society.

Joan Matthews, James Williams

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"Ich bin besonders"
- Autismus und Asperger: Das Selbsthilfebuch für Kinder und ihre Eltern -

... mit vielen Ratschlägen für den Alltag

Liebevolle Hilfe jeden Tag.
Entdecken Sie die Welt Ihres Kindes.
Kinder, die an Autismus oder dem Asperger-Syndrom leiden, sind in ihrer sozialen und emotionalen Entwicklung gehemmt. Gewinnen sie jetzt einen einmaligen Einblick in diese andere Erlebniswelt. Lernen Sie verstehen und helfen.

James ist solch ein besonderes Kind. Erstmals beschreiben er und seine Mutter, wie anders autistische Kinder wahrnehmen und empfinden. Direkt aus dem Leben und mit großem Humor berichten Mutter und Sohn über die typischen Alltags-Hürden. Ein einzigartiger Erfahrungsschatz, der anderen Familien vieles erklärt und erleichtert. Nutzen Sie die vielen wertvollen Tipps.
James und seine Mutter zeigen Ihnen in 75 kurzen Kapiteln erprobte Lösungen für missverständliche oder schwierige Situationen. Nutzen Sie die vielen konkreten Vorschläge: Vom Begrüßen bis zum richtigen Abstand halten und der angemessenen Lautstärke beim Sprechen. Eine so praktische Anleitung zum liebevollen Umgang mit autistischen Kindern finden Sie nur in diesem Ratgeber.
Empfohlen vom Bundesverband "Hilfe für das autistische Kind"

"... eine Bereicherung für alle, die privat oder beruflich mit Autismus zu tun haben." Waltraud Judt, Vorstandsmitglied des Vereins "Hilfe für das autistische Kind e.V."

Martine; The National Autistic Society Helpline Ives

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"What is Asperger syndrome and how will it affect me?"

Book Description:
Aimed at 8-13 year olds this booklet explains Asperger syndrome in simple jargon-free language for children with Asperger syndrome.

Peter Vermeulen

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"Ich bin was Besonderes"

Deutsche Fassung von: "I Am Special".

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"I Am Special"
- Introducing Children and Young People to Their Autism Spectrum Disorder -

Book Description:
I am Special is a workbook developed by Peter Vermeulen and already used extensively with young people with autism spectrum disorder. The workbook is designed for a child to work through with an adult - parent, teacher or other professional. Unlike other books, its content and layout are devised especially for children who read, think and process information differently.
I am Special is divided into two parts. The first is a theoretical introduction which explains how to inform children that they have autism or Asperger Syndrome and how to use the worksheets with groups or individuals. The second part consists of a series of worksheets which the child works through with an adult to create a unique and personal book about him or herself. It includes a series of exercises that present autism positively. They strike a balance between general facts, information about autism and personal information, covering the strengths an autistic person may have as well as the difficulties they may face.
I am Special can be used with young people over the age of ten years. Not only is it an excellent source of information for the autistic child; it can be the first step in a process of counselling or psychotherapy or the springboard for a discussion group on autism.

This workbook is designed for a child toqwork throught with an adult - parent, teacher or professional. It is divided into two parts. The firstis a theoretical introduction which explains how to inform children that they have autism or Asperger Syndrome and how to use the worksheets with groups or individuals. The second part consists of a series of worksheets which the child works through with an adult to create a personal book about him or herself. It includes a series of exercises that present autism positively. They strike a balance between general facts, information about autism and personal information, covering the strengths an autistic person may have as well as the difficulties they face.

About the Author:
Peter Vermeulen trained as a counsellor and educationalist and has worked for many years with autistic children. At present he is Autism Consultant and Lecturer at Vlaamse Dienst Autisme, where he edits a bi-monthly magazine Autisme, and a freelance lecturer and trainer. He also works freelance at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences and the Department of Sociology at the University of Leuven. He has published extensively on autism.

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