für Kinder mit AS/Autismus
Alphabetisch nach Autoren (Vorname)
Autor | Deutsch | Englisch |
Andreanna Edwards | X | |
Smith Myles
(& Elisa Gagnon, Richard L. Simpson, Jack Southwick) |
X | |
Catherine Faherty | X | |
Gunilla Gerland | X | |
Joan Matthews, James Williams | X | |
Martine; The National Autistic Society Helpline Ives | X | |
Peter Vermeulen | X | X |
Andreanna Edwards |
leihen ... |
"Taking Autism to School" |
Brenda Smith Myles, Elisa Gagnon |
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Buchrücken: Experience the world from the perspective of a young child with Asperger Syndrome ... This is
Asperger Syndrome gives the daily experiences of a child with Asperger
Syndrome and the difficulties he faces. As a person with autism, I can
relate to some of the things he has to deal with. This book
is a wonderful educational resource that can be used in the classroom.
It helps develop an awareness and understanding for children with AS and
their peers. I used This
is Asperger Syndrome with my social skills group. I gave each student
a page of the book and asked them to read it and note whether or not they
thought it described them. They then shared their page and their answer
wih the group. Finally, they wrote and drew their own page to depict an
aspect of themselves. We will do this through the end of the school year
and then put their pages together for their own book. Good response from
the kids! What a good
way to help students with AS learn about some of the things they don't
understand about themselves. We recommend this book for siblings, peers,
parents and grandparents. What a unique way to explain the perspective
of the student with Asperger Syndrome. ELISA GAGNON, Ms.Ed., is coordinator, Asperger Syndrome Project, University of Kansas Medical Center. BRENDA SMITH MYLES, Ph.D., is associate professor, University of Kansas Medical Center. Other books by Brenda Smith Myles: Making Visual Supports Work in the Home and Community: Strategies for Individuals with Autism and Asperger Syndrome (with Jennifer L. Savner), Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns (with Jack Southwick); Asperger Syndrome - A Guide for Educators and Parents and Educating Children and Youth with Autism (with Richard L. Simson) |
Catherine Faherty |
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What Does It Mean to Me?" Book Description:
Gunilla Gerland |
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"Finding Out about Asperger's Syndrome, High-functioning Autism and PDD" Buchrücken: Gunilla Gerland was diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome several years ago. She is the author of the autobiography A Real Person: Life on the Outside and is very active in informing about the condition, throug writing an lecturing all over Europe. She lives in Stockholm where she also works closely with the Swedish National Autism Society. |
Joan Matthews, James Williams |
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bin besonders" ... mit vielen Ratschlägen für den Alltag Liebevolle
Hilfe jeden Tag. James ist
solch ein besonderes Kind. Erstmals beschreiben er und seine Mutter, wie
anders autistische Kinder wahrnehmen und empfinden. Direkt aus dem Leben
und mit großem Humor berichten Mutter und Sohn über die typischen Alltags-Hürden.
Ein einzigartiger Erfahrungsschatz, der anderen Familien vieles erklärt
und erleichtert. Nutzen Sie die vielen wertvollen Tipps. "... eine Bereicherung für alle, die privat oder beruflich mit Autismus zu tun haben." Waltraud Judt, Vorstandsmitglied des Vereins "Hilfe für das autistische Kind e.V." |
Martine; The National Autistic Society Helpline Ives | ![]() zum Bestellen auf das Bild oder den Titel klicken |
"What is Asperger syndrome and how will it affect me?" Book Description: |
Peter Vermeulen |
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Deutsche Fassung von: "I Am Special". |
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Am Special" Book Description: Synopsis: About
the Author: |